Thursday, November 25, 2010

So excited!!!

How excited am I you ask? WOW! Soooo excited! Cause I won the prize over at 7 Kids College Fund Challenge "Give thanks". The prize.... wait for it .... is a $75 voucher to use at their shop. How generous is that!!!!!  Thank you thank you thank you 7 Kids - I cant wait to shop.


  1. Congratulations Jenny! Have fun spending your winning voucher!
    Susan xxox

  2. Hi Jenny, check my blog I have given you an award. :)

  3. Yes, you need to tell us 3 things that make you, you. And then pass the award onto 3 other blogers. I'm so glad I made your week. You make amazing cards.

  4. Congratulations, wow you will have fun with that!
    Sue xo


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